Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

A nice ride through a really beautyfull valley

Die Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad ist eine Museumseisenbahn, die Durango mit der Bergbaustadt Silverton verbindet. Hier verkehren Dampflokomotiven und Waggons aus den 20er Jahren und teilweise noch älter.


Durango was founded by the Denver & Rio Grande Railway in 1879. The railroad arrived in Durango on August 5, 1881 and construction on the line to Silverton began in the fall of the same year. By July of 1882, the tracks to Silverton were completed, and the train began hauling both freight and passengers.


The line was constructed to haul silver & gold ore from the San Juan Mountains, but passengers soon realized it was the view that was truly precious.


This historic train has been in continuous operation for 128 years, carrying passengers behind vintage steam locomotives and rolling stock indigenous to the line. Relive the sights and sounds of yesteryear for a spectacular journey on board the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad.

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